Saturday 14 May 2011

Development of the Buskers

My first love always always comes from life drawing, and gestural sketches. Because of my interest to reaffirm my understanding of body language, and to better aid this side-project, I chose to sign up to a local life drawing course at Telford college during the week nights. Whilst most of the work there better suited Illustrative styles and observations, some offered a great chance to flex my gestural muscles that could relate to this project. Below are but a few of the relative sketches and larger studies into multiple poses, form and stance with 30 second studies.

15 second sketches with black marker. Studies in the line of action as well as economy of line.

Chalk study, also a mild observation in reverse light building.

As a source of reference, particularly for the scarf element to my storyboard, I became intrigued by the art of ribbon dancing, in particular how the pose and movements of the dancer were enhanced by the reactions of the ribbon, creating shapes that complimented the overall gesture.

Below are a few of my inspired illustrations and poses relating to the scarf/ribbon dance sequence.

Some experimental images visualising the aesthetics of the scarf dancing via overhead view.

Quick edit of sketched poses, showing crude movement cycle.

Original board passes, sequencing dance flow and movement towards frame.

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