Saturday 14 May 2011

Comix brief

As with Specialist study 1, I successfully created a mock 'live' brief with the help of comic book artist John Mcrea. This time around I was offered a spot to aid in this years 'Comix' comic convention held in the Millenium point. Through the use of Telford and Wrekin council's scheme in collaboration with the Arts and National Media charity 'Hi8tus' (website link here to train up and coming artist, I volunteered to take part among the mentors and eventually landed a spot creating a two-page short story for the end result; a published comic.

To begin this process I started out with the thumbnails of an idea that came to mind. The plot entails the escapade of an unnamed thief during his explosive getaway, of which it appears said thief ends up being robbed by the end via a twist.

Like specialist study 1's mock brief, this very much entailed the same design process, but this time with the added bonus that this would actually be published. Unlike conventional storyboarding, I had to consider the more aesthetic layout of the overall page, and how the pace and flow of the scenes complimented the flow of the narrative.

Above are some of the example designs I went through. After which, I then offered the proposed layout when the deadline was announced for all works to be collected for publishing.

With the layout approved and green-lit, the next stage became the execution and finalizing of the drawings.

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